My name is Dr. Thien Pham and I’m the principal dentist at Compass Dental Care. I practice on the philosophy that empathy is the starting point for creating a community and taking action. It’s the impetus for creating change and it is the greatest gift of human beings.
I am committed to making a difference in each patient I meet and I aim to provide dental care that focuses on excellence. To achieve this takes hard work, commitment to continual improvement, and most importantly, empathy.
After graduating from the University of Melbourne in 2003, I joined the Army where I served for over 10 years and during this time, I met hundreds people from all walks of life. From people who were at the very top of their circles to the humblest of human beings, it took me to some of the most remotest parts of Australia and the world to practice dentistry and challenged me to constantly improve myself so that I could overcome any of the unknown challenges that might be just around the corner.
I finished my post-graduate studies in both oral sugery and sedation dentistry and received admission into the fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in 2007. I found that the more he studied, the higher the calibre of professionals that I met and I’ve wanted to emulate the world’s teachers in order to be able to provide the best care that I possibly can.
I started Compass Dental Care in Darwin with a vision to connect back to the community and to one day become a compass of dentistry in Darwin. I am seeking to attract the very best minds and skills to help me to make a difference to each and every person that we meet, smile by smile.